Комерциално пословање у саобраћају

Наставни план и програм акредитован 2019.
Шифра Назив предмета Статус ЕСПБ
Прва година
1. семестар
218005 European Transport Law and Legislation обавезан 8
218016 Methodologies for Traffic and Transportation Research обавезан 8
218019 Operational Research in Traffic and Transportation обавезан 8
218030 Cost Accounting and Business decision Making обавезан 8
2. семестар
218002 Business Processes Auditing, Control, and Revision обавезан 8
218014 International Shipping Insurance обавезан 8
218015 Technical and Economic Analysis in Traffic and Transportation обавезан 8
218036 Student Internship 1 обавезан 4
Укупно ЕСПБ бодова по години 60
Друга година
3. семестар
218008 Intelligent Transport Systems изборни 8
218028 Economic Calculations and Valuations of Costs in the Transport Sector изборни 9
218041* Transport Technologies изборни 8
218042 Investment Management изборни 9
218043 Quality Management in Traffic and Transportation изборни 8
218045 Financial and Contract Management изборни 8
218039 Student internship 2 обавезан 4
4. семестар
218009 Market Research and Marketing Information Systems изборни 8
218044 Transportation Market Research and Management изборни 8
218013 Master Final Thesis обавезан 12
218025 Applied Research Work обавезан 11
Укупно ЕСПБ бодова по години 60