Professional Development of Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices
Project type: Erasmus+ Project Capacity Building in Higher Education
Project title: Professional Development of Vocation Education Teachers with European Practices
Acronym: Pro-VET
Reference number: 598698-EPP-1-2018-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Project duration: 2018 - 2021
Coordinator of Pro-VET project for VISER: dr Vera Petrovic
Official project web page:
JAMK University of Applied Sciences - coordinator, Jyvaskyla, Finland
- Aeres University of Applied Sciences,
Wageningen, The Netherlands - Warnborough College Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
- Universität Bremen, Germany
- Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
- Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Problems, Kazan, Russian Federation
- Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Russian Federation
- Tver State University, Russian Federation
- University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Novi Sad School of Business, Serbia
The goal of the Pro-VET project is to introduce a systematic approach in the professional development of European policy in the professional training of teachers (experts, instructors, mentors, etc.) and teachers engaged in the training of teachers for teaching in the school and work environments of Serbia and Russia using the e-learning tool. Pro-VET enables teachers to upgrade pedagogical skills, improve workplace relevance and cooperate with proven European approaches and VET methodologies. In this way, it also influences the realisation of industry support in the development of the VET system. Pro-VET is focused on improving the quality of education, relevance, and management of VET systems followed by indicators for policy development.
The role of VISER is to implement different types of teacher training, use modern methods of digital training, recommend good practice examples, monitor the work of trainers and teachers in their training of other teachers, improve pedagogical skills of teachers and trainers, improve work relevance in accordance with the needs of the labour market in Serbia, and evaluate the results of training in appropriate records.
To improve the training of its teachers and associates in accordance with the objectives of the project and improve the competence of VISER in the higher education system in Serbia.

The project is funded by the European Commission and reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.