Energy efficiency and Building Certification Course code: EESZ | 4 ECTS credits

Basic information
Level of Studies: Undergraduate applied studies
Year of Study: 1
Semester: 2
Goal: Course objective for students is to get acquainted with the regulations regarding energy certification of buildings, with the calculation of energy efficiency of buildings, preparation of studies and the method of energy certification of buildings.
Outcome: Students will be able to analyze multi-storey buildings from the aspect of energy efficiency. Students will be able to calculate and interpret optimal solutions in the field of energy efficiency of buildings, use software tools that support calculation methods, present the application of methods on the example of the selected problem and apply valid standards for element calculation, as well as for calculation and application in this case.
Contents of the course
Theoretical instruction:
  1. Types of construction and characteristics of materials and aspects of thermal conductivity.
  2. Comfort parameters and Requirements; Thermal comfort, air comfort, acoustic comfort, light comfort.
  3. Thermal energy in buildings, heat losses and building shape factor, thermal stability of the building.
  4. Thermotechnical systems in buildings and their impact on the energy balance of a building.
  5. Understanding the influence of the elements of the urban disposition of the building and its influence on the energy properties of the building (location, orientation, insolation, wind influence). Thermal zoning.
  6. Download of data from a specific project, calculation of Graševina physics for relevant positions of the thermal envelope. Calculation of heat losses and object gains. Energy balance of heating needs.
  7. Energy classification and certification. Defining the necessary measures to achieve the minimum energy class requirements. Checking variants, comparing results, adopting the optimal solution.
Practical instruction (Problem solving sessions/Lab work/Practical training):
  1. Content from theoretical classes translated into practical application through exercises.
Textbooks and References
  1. Jovanović-Popović,M., i Ignjatović, D.,(2011), Videti energiju, Arhitektonski fakultet, Beograd
  2. Radivojević, ,,Iskustva i pravci razvoja standarda iz oblasti termičke zaštite kod nas i u svetu” Energetska optimizacija zgrada u kontekstu odrzive arhitekture-I deo, Arhitektonski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2003 , 99-123.
  3. Crnčević T., Starteška procena uticaja u urbanističkom planiranju-prilog razvoju teorije i prakse,(2009) Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije,
  4. Mihajlović –Milanović (2010), Obnovlјivi izvori energije-Uvod u ekonomiju održive energije, Megatrend, Beograd
  5. Todorović B., Projektovanje postrojenja za centralno grejanje (2010), Mašinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu,
  6. Pojmovnik održive gradnje, (2012), CEDEF, Inženjerska komora Srbije, Privredna komora Srbije, Beograd
  7. Pravilnik o energetskoj efikasnosti zgrada (Sl. glasnik RS 61/2011).
  8. Pravilnik o zahtevima, sadržini i načinu izdavanja sertifikata o energetskim svojstvima zgrada (Sl. glasnik RS 61/2011)
Number of active classes (weekly)
Lectures: 2
Practical classes: 1
Other types of classes: 2
Grading (maximum number of points: 100)
Pre-exam obligations
activities during lectures
activities on practial excersises
seminary work
Final exam
Written exam
Oral exam