Costume design 2 Шифра: KOS 116054 | 5 ЕСПБ

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Ниво студија: Основне струковне студије
Година студија: 2
Семестар/Триместар: 4
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Теоријска настава:
Практична настава:
  1. Vasić P., Odelo i oružje, Umetnička akademija u Beogradu, Beograd, 1994.
  2. Boucher F., Histoire du costume, Paris, 1965.
  3. Laver J., Costume and Fashion, a concise history, London, 1969
  4. Kohler C., A history of costume, Dover Publications, New York, 1963.
  5. L.Kybalova, O.Herbenova, M.Lamarova, "Encyclopédie illustrée du costume et de la mode"
  6. M. G. Houston, Ancient Greek Roman and Byzantine Costume and Decoration, Adam & Charles Black, London, 1947.
  7. M. G. Houston, Medieval costume in England and France, Adam & Charles Black, London, 1965.
  8. Peacock J., Costume 1066-1966, London, 1986.
  9. Fukai A. et. al., Fashion: A History from the 18th to the 20th Century; Taschen, London 2006, vol. I i II
  10. Hart A. & Susan North S., Historical fashion in detail -the 17th & the 18th centuries
  11. Holscher J., Beukel van den D., Roojen van P. (ed.), Fashion design 1800-1940; The Pepin Press, Amsterdam, 2001.
  12. Johnston L., "Nineteenth-century fashion in detail"
  13. Jones T. & A. Mair A., "Fashion Now", 2003.
  14. Lehnert G., A History of Fashion in the 20th century, Konemann, Cologne, 2000.
  15. O'Hara Callen G., Fashion and fashion designers, Thames & Husdon, London, 2002.
  16. Hartnoll P., The Theatre, Thames & Hudson, London, 1989.
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